Statement on National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21

Today, on National Indigenous Peoples Day, Centrist Party of Canada would like to celebrate the unique heritage, cultures, and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples.

This year, celebrations are mixed with tragic findings of the remains of residential school children who suffered physical, sexual, and mental abuse, and were forcefully separated from their families and communities against their consent. This devastating discovery worsened the intergenerational trauma and will require much needed support for the survivors and their families. These are the scars of history which may never heal. Righting the historical wrongs of the brutal residential school system is impossible, as no one can change history. Past injustices require actions including compensation along with unconditional apology from all levels of government who were involved, as well as the Catholic Church and Pope to survivors, families of the deceased, and the First Nation communities.

In its final report, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada called on governments, educational and religious institutions, civil society groups, and all Canadians to take action on the 94 Calls to Action it identified. The vast majority of them have yet to be fully implemented, much to the frustration of Indigenous experts, leaders, and activists.

Centrist Party of Canada calls upon the Government of Canada to play a vital role in telling the truth and addressing the systemic racism and injustices with indigenous communities which they still currently face. Apologies for the crimes committed in the past are not enough; rather, significant actions need to be taken to heal the scars of history. Centrist Party calls upon all levels of the Government to provide services to all Indigenous people on and off reserve with equitable access to government-funded public services. Empty words are not enough, and concrete actions are required without any further delay.

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