Centrist Party Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on Carbon Tax

Toronto, Ontario, March 25, 2021

Centrist Party believes that climate change is a real threat to our globe. Strong climate action is necessary; however, this should be done in collaboration with other countries. Canada’s GHG emission are around 1.6%. Unless big polluting nations like China, USA, India, and Russia take effective steps to reduce their GHG emissions, Canada alone will find it very difficult to make a meaningful impact at a global level.

Supreme court’s ruling has recognized that policies related to GHG emissions fall in federal and provincial jurisdictions. Centrist Party will prefer to work with the Canadian provinces and territories to develop climate action programs. We believe in the most practical and pragmatic approach in fighting climate change without compromising our economy.

The carbon tax introduced by the Liberal government would continue increasing in the future, making life more difficult for working class Canadians. Due to the Covid19 pandemic, our unemployment rate is already at the highest among G7 countries and we are experiencing the worst economic growth. Centrist Canadians do not believe that it is the right time for federal government to impose carbon pricing and making Canadians pay more. Carbon pricing should be left up to the provinces and territories, and federal government’s role should be to support their polices. Polluting should not be free for big polluting industries, whereas ordinary citizens should not be forced to pay another tax.  Centrist Party will keep on fighting for working-class Canadians by focussing on jobs and supporting Canada’s economy.


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